Ho, ho, ho! This happens every year. It’s happening again. So, get ready. Now is the time where we examine that perennial life question, “This Christmas, should I ask Santa Claus for that 32-pound, three-volume pizza book that comes in a bright red, stainless-steel case?” And the answer is, No. Of course not. You don’t want it unless you’re a glutton for pizza punishment.
The Ongoing Modernist Pizza Review: Conclusion |
AuthorBlaine Parker is the award-winning author of the bestselling, unusual and amusing how-to pizza book, Free The Pizza. Also known as The Pizza Geek and "Hey, Pizza Man!", Blaine is fanatical about the idea that true, pro-quality pizza can be made at home. His home. Your home. Anyone's home. After 20 years of honing his craft and making pizza in standard consumer ovens across the nation, he's sharing what he's learned with home cooks like you. Are you ready to pizza? Archives
January 2025
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